Explanation to the "Anzeige zum Schadenerstzanspruch"

About money- possibilities around corona-crisis


Hey everybody!!!!

Let´s talk about money, because we have none!!!!

I´m master of florestry, in master-school I´d 1 year of basics in law for business and oeconomics.

Now its my 12.year in that little Shop in Hessen, Germany, we´re looking in:


When we god that shutdown on 17. of march 2020 to avoid the spreeding of SARS-CoV-2 from governement (got public via severall medias), we all knew from then, its a kind of  big violence, crashing our shops into dust.


From all sources from governement, corporation of Florists.... I was able to get,

                                               none was acceptable!


Because I´m not silly enough to take credits to go through the next month, and after some more month, making good money into rubbish, the bank is not only taking my shop, instaed they will get everything from me and my husband as well. 

In all the yaers I was doing business, one thing was crystal clear::

Every single bad month will follow untill the end of the yaer to say once again "hello, remember me from march?" to drop down my incame!

So, to come to the point:

We have 4 Problems, tidy connectet together in a messy knot.


1.) We need money to pay our stuff

2.)We need money to pay our monthly rents

3.)We need money  to buy something to eat for our Family

4.)We have to be fast, because time to ask for our RIGHTS is limitet.


1.) Stuff paying.

We have to pay, its a part of the contract between worker and boss, no one ask, your able or not. Then we have a regulation wich says, a boss has to comfort his workers, look they ´re save, protected.

IF we ask for short money (Kurzarbeitergeld) from employment agency, this will only be 60% to 67%.

But if we ask for "Schadenersatzanspruch", its 100% from Nettolohn. You see, the 2. possibility is better protection!


2.)The same 100% are to ground for rent the building your shop is in, car-insurance, electricity,..and so on. 


3.)In Germany, the last idea to feed Artists, Florists and other small business owners is to give them social-help, called "Hartz4".

But in §56 is includet the Owners-Income , prooft from last Tax, for example,in a case 2018, there is 18.000, devided in 12 month means 1500.- monthly, as long as the crises will last, so possibly its going on in 6 month, erverything nice. if longer, you get longer help.



4.) The "infection protection act"  is clear. from the very first moment, you got knowledge about the circumstances your business COULD be in trubble, you have to act.

If not during 3 month after that very day, FORGET IT!!!!  Carefull: 3 month in jura means exactly 3 X 30 days, not one single hour more!!!!!!








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Petra Hard-Dörries

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